Influence of Technology on Writing

Writing has seen numerous changes and improvements as new technologies have been introduced.  Digital reproduction and printing technologies, such as print and smartphones, have allowed for the mass creation and circulation of texts, providing authors with new avenues for expressing themselves through writing.


While the development of technology has affected the creative process, some authors have found that the advancement of communication tools has improved the quality of their writing. Some writers are experts at using the internet to provide extensive coverage of their topics. Inspiration for writing often strikes while writers are on the road.

The internet has made it easier for writers to access reliable project sources quickly. The internet opens up new databases to authors that they would not have had access to if they had to look for the information physically. It’s common practice for writers to evaluate their writing by contrasting it to that of established authors from different parts of the world.


Writers used to sit down at a typewriter and laboriously transfer their handwritten compositions to paper before the introduction of current communication tools. Since they weren’t using any program or device, they had yet to learn if their grammar was correct. Authors in the past always took the time to proofread their work word for word.

Without grammar checkers, authors had to learn and remember every rule of the language they were writing in. New tools have changed the strategy. Some authors use a word processor as a spelling practice tool. It is common practice for authors to use editing tools to catch errors in their writing.

While grammar checkers can save time and improve accuracy, they do not evaluate the consistency of ideas. They may highlight faulty sentences without disrupting the overall logic of the argument. Writers who take the time to proofread their work can identify and fix problems with the logic and coherence of their writing.

Method of Writing

The physical act of making markings on paper is simplified and accelerated by the various technological innovations that have been made in the realm of writing. Writers have delineated both its function and the substance it signifies from the beginning of time. However, this is no longer accurate.

As computers take over more and more of the cognitive work involved in writing, literacy rates are declining. These alterations may have far-reaching consequences without parallel in writing history.


Historically, authors preferred using their first or second language while writing. As a result, contemporary authors can have their works translated into various tongues with relative ease. Writers can be fluent in other languages or even study them in depth to have their works translated into them.

Because of the rapid and ever-changing nature of many technological developments, authors must adapt quickly to ever-evolving needs. Like the real world, the literary world is changing at a dizzying rate.

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