5 Reasons to Begin Author Blogging and 3 Ways to Do It Properly

Are you a fiction or nonfiction author interested in growing your readership? If this is the case, you should give blogging considerable consideration. And if you presently have a neglected blog, now is the moment to bring it back to life.

We can attest to this. As a marketing and advertising agency, we have shown our clients how to use blogging to attract consumers and expand their credibility as an author.

However, let us return our attention to you. What are the benefits of starting a blog? And how can you maximize its value?

Authors Should Blog for the Following Reasons

A systematic blogging program may be beneficial to writers of all hues. It aids in audience growth by attracting like-minded people to your website and exposing them to your books. However, this is just the beginning. The following are five compelling reasons for writers to blog.

1. You currently possess the necessary abilities.

If you already possess the most critical skill needed to establish and maintain a blog as a writer. Then you have a gift for composition! You are familiar with (1) theme initiation; (2) back them with evidence to send a clear message.

2. It is a relatively inexpensive kind of marketing.

Today’s website hosting is dirt inexpensive, owing largely to intense competition among hosting providers. You may have your author’s website for less than ten dollars per month (and blog), in certain instances, less than that. The yearly renewal fee for your website domain is about $10.

That is a modest fee to pay for something that has the potential to be your most successful marketing tool in the future. The primary investment for the majority of bloggers is their time. Creating high-quality material for a blog requires time and effort. However, you are already ahead of the curve on that front since you are proficient in writing.

3. Blogging may act as a supplement to other advertising activities.

Do you have a newsletter that you distribute through email? Are you using social media to engage readers and expand your audience? If this is the case, your blog may help reinforce these efforts.

You might prominently display a newsletter sign-up box on your blog. You might include social networking links into your blog, directing readers to your Twitter or Facebook profiles. Additionally, the converse holds true. You may utilize social media to produce visitors to your blog and share the high-quality material you spent so much time creating.

4. Your blog is always active (even when you do).

One of the benefits of having a content-rich website is that it is always “active.” It is always on duty. It attracts people at all hours of the day and night, even while you are on vacation.

Working up to that level takes time. However, do not give up. With sustained effort, you’ll ultimately have a regular stream of visitors, many of whom will be interested in your work.

5. The potential of blogging is limitless.

A blogging campaign has no upper limit. Are you dissatisfied with the amount of traffic your website receives at the moment? Increase the frequency of your blogs. Maintain a steady flow of high-quality material. Implement a few of the search engine optimization principles (described below) and watch your traffic increase.

Consider publishing a blog article that ultimately gets between 30 and 40 visitors each day. Great! Repeat this procedure. Repeat this process a dozen more times, and you’ll soon have hundreds of daily visitors. There are no bounds.

Three (3) Crucial Tips for Improving Your Blogging

Thus, you’ve concluded that blogging is beneficial. How do we proceed? What can you do now and in the future to make the most of it?

1. Create a blog devoted to your genre or area of expertise.

This is a no-brainer, yet it is nonetheless necessary to discuss. If you want to attract the kind of reader who will purchase your books, you should write on such subjects. You may sometimes stray off course for “miscellaneous” blog entries. Proceed! However, most of your articles should be relevant to the genre or subject matter you write. This will assist you in gradually increasing book sales.

This applies as well to nonfiction. A writer of a book on artificial intelligence may profit by blogging extensively about the topic. They may write on the newest research in artificial intelligence, future forecasts, and the associated risks and advantages.

In either case, fiction or nonfiction, you’re essentially channeling your passion and expertise into online material that will appeal to like readers.

2. Maintain a regular blogging schedule, at the very least once a week.

The more publications you make, the more readers you’ll attract- resulting in book sales, newsletter subscriptions, and Twitter followers, among other things.

However, it is necessary to persevere. It is necessary to have a steady approach. Make a timetable for blogging. It is not your primary objective; your next book takes precedence. However, blogging comes in a close second. Thus, continue. Make a weekly effort to produce a new blog article. Once you begin to notice benefits, you may gradually increase the frequency.

3. Utilize SEO fundamentals.

Search engine optimization (SEO) are steps you can take to increase your website’s exposure (and ranking) on major search engines.

The majority of it is determined by two factors: content and links. To attract the appropriate audience, you must have the appropriate content. Additionally, it facilitates the acquisition of connections from other bloggers and web publishers.

There are no quick cuts available in this situation. It takes time to develop high-quality blog material. Additionally, obtaining connections from other websites takes time. You must earn them by producing material that is “link-worthy.” However, someday, it will occur.

Meanwhile, there are a few more measures you can take to boost your search engine exposure. Five of them include the following:

  • When it makes sense, provide hyperlinks between related pages on your website. This benefits readers by providing them with more material. Additionally, it assists search engines in discovering all of your critical sites.
  • As Google’s developer guide for search engine optimization says, “Ensure that all pages on the site are reachable through a link from another discoverable page.”
  • In the headline of each blog article, include your most essential keywords. This assists search engines in deciphering the website’s content, increasing the likelihood that your page will be shown alongside relevant search results.
  • Utilize an XML sitemap to assist search engine “crawlers” in locating all of your pages. (Pro tip: If you’re using WordPress as your blogging platform, you can do this fast and simply using a sitemap “plugin.”)
  • Create “meaty” and exhaustive blog articles that cover all aspects of the subject at hand.

You do not need to master SEO. You want to understand how search engines operate and what you can do to assist them.

We wish you success with your blog!

We can assist you in starting your blog. You may contact our professionals by calling (888) 755-6875 or visit quantumdiscovery.net to know more.

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