Black, Blind, and Female: Inspiration to Overcome Obstacles


ISBN: N/A SKU: N/A Categories: ,

During a visit to Sedona, Arizona, Kari Kelley receives a request for forgiveness from her long-dead adoptive mother. In order to find the freedom of forgiveness and the ecstasy of unconditional love, Kari is compelled to come to terms with long-held feelings of bitterness and anger over the abandonment, abuse, and neglect of her childhood and the insecurity and depression of her adult life. People will read a true story of a rejected, neglected, unloved child who grows into a successful, strong woman; People will run the gamut of emotions as they read through the events of my life; People will be impressed by my tenacity.

KARI KELLEY is the author of Black, Blind, and Female and a contributing author to the bestselling e-book Village Pearls: Spiritual Practices to Uplift Your Soul and the No. 1 Amazon bestseller Heal Thy Self. She is also the creator, producer, and performer of her one-woman shows “Somebody Else’s Child,” “Three Chairs,” and “From Garbage to Gold.” Kari has presented to and entertained audiences and VIPs at sold-out events all around Northern California. She is the subject and star of the documentary Gifted Messenger.


eBook, Hardcover, Paperback


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