Lessons After the Bell – Expanded Edition


ISBN: N/A SKU: N/A Categories: ,


“I wish I had learned some things earlier in life” is a statement we all can make. The “things” will vary, but the principle is the same: lessons learned earlier would have made our lives easier, or better, or different. Those changes, in turn, would perhaps remove some of the difficulties and challenges we face; perhaps they would put us in a better position to help others. Hearing (or reading) the stories of others benefits us in that way, to learn earlier. Thoughts gleaned thereby may direct us to a path that leads to a desirable outcome.

That is the premise on which I wrote this book. I wish you the best, and hope your time spent reading this book is both pleasing and edifying.

-Barney Martlew

What others have said about Lessons After the Bell

“Any (book) with morals is bound to be riddled with biases, boring stories, and self-admiration. Not so in Lessons After the Bell. This succinct journal has cunning stories with the same premise in the beginning of the book. In society, we don’t spend enough time learning from each other’s experiences.”

-An Amazon Review

This is a book that reads like a diary. It bravely attacks contentious topics of today. When a lot of people are scared to express their opinions, fortunately this author is not. Martlew is both interesting and interested in the world around him.”

-An Amazon Review 


eBook, Hardcover, Paperback


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